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Defining The Legal Status

Nigeria's Crypto Landscape: Legal or Illegal?

Defining the Legal Status

In Nigeria, the legality of cryptocurrency remains a subject of debate. While there are no specific laws that explicitly declare crypto trading illegal, there is also a lack of clear regulations governing the industry.

Regulatory Developments

In May 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published guidelines for operating a digital asset exchange. However, these guidelines primarily focus on the registration and operation of trading platforms, without addressing the legality of trading cryptocurrencies themselves.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has maintained a cautious stance towards cryptocurrencies. In December 2022, it lifted a ban on cryptocurrency transactions but emphasized that crypto assets are not legal tender in the country.

Enforcement Actions

Despite the lack of specific laws, the Nigerian government has taken some enforcement actions against cryptocurrency-related activities. In 2021, the CBN ordered banks to close the accounts of individuals and companies involved in crypto trading. Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has also been declared illegal in Nigeria.

These actions suggest that the government is concerned about the potential risks associated with cryptocurrencies, such as money laundering and terrorist financing.


The legal status of cryptocurrencies in Nigeria remains uncertain. While there are no laws specifically criminalizing crypto trading, the lack of clear regulations and the government's cautious stance create a complex legal landscape. Individuals and companies involved in cryptocurrency activities should proceed with caution and carefully consider the potential legal implications.
