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Target Letters A Legal Notification

Target Letters: A Legal Notification

Understanding Target Letters

Target letters are official notifications issued by prosecutors to individuals who are the subject or target of a grand jury investigation. These letters inform the recipient that they may be criminally charged based on the evidence gathered during the investigation.

Types of Target Letters

There are two primary types of target letters: * **Subject Letters** notify individuals that they are the subject of an investigation, but they have not yet been formally charged. * **Target Letters** indicate that the individual is a potential defendant in a criminal case and are more likely to lead to charges.

Importance of Target Letters

Target letters hold significant legal implications. They provide individuals with: * Notice of potential criminal charges * An opportunity to prepare a defense * The ability to seek legal counsel * The right to challenge the allegations


Target letters are serious legal documents that should not be taken lightly. Individuals who receive these notices should seek professional legal advice immediately. Understanding the implications of target letters can help ensure that individuals' rights are protected and that they have a fair opportunity to defend themselves against potential criminal charges.
